Cookies, Cocoa, & Carols
The 2nd Annual Cookies, Cocoa, and Carols is scheduled for Saturday, December 14 from 4:30-6PM. This event is for students in grades Pre-K through 3rd and their parents. Please RSVP to Amy Burchett at

HOBY Leadership Academy
Each year Clarksville Academy is allowed to select Clarksville Academy Sophomores to represent our school at the Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership (HOBY) Seminar. In June 2020, Caroline Johnston, Graysie Harper and Bella Allen will represent Clarksville Academy at APSU.
HOBY is the nation’s foremost youth leadership development organization. HOBY programs provide youth with unique leadership training to make a better world. The seminar allows students to recognize their leadership talents and apply them in becoming effective, ethical leaders in their home, school, and community. Congratulations to these students!

Robotics Club
The FLL Regional Tournament was held on Saturday, Dec 7 from 8:00 – 5:00, at the CMCSS Central Services Building. 12 Regional Teams representing schools from Montgomery County competed. Our CA Robotics teams Cyber Cougars and Cougar Cubs, competed, and won Back to Back years qualifying and moving on to the State Tournament. The Cyber Cougars (Jack Catellier, Jay Patel, Aaron Gilman, Chase McCowen, Ben Holland, Clark Holland, and Landon Lamm) placed 3rd in the Robotics Mission executions, and the CA Cougar Cubs (Cammie Johnston, Parker Kent, Carmen Skaggs, Liya Abubucker, Madelynn Turney, and Ellie Thomas) placed 5th. Our LS teams competed placing higher than many of the school participants. Of the 12 teams participating, only 3 teams represented elementary level schools! There are 3 components to the competition: Robotics, Innovation Project, Core Values. Our CA Cougar Cubs also won the award presentation for Core Values presentation (back to back years!) . We are supremely proud of our Robotics Teams!
Spirit Night
Dr. Booth’s Leadership Class is sponsoring a Chick-Fil-A Night on Wednesday, Dec 11 from 4:30-7:30 at the Chick-Fil A on Wilma Rudolph! To participate, just download the Chick-Fil-A app, place a mobile order during the above time, and click prepare my order when you arrive! It’s that easy! You can dine in or carry out! A percentage of your purchase will benefit the Leadership Classes’ charity of choice, The Well.
Home Game Fun
Dr. Booth’s Leadership Class will also host a contest during the home basketball game on Thursday night. At the game you can purchase a ticket for $5 and choose to be entered to win gift cards for Chick-Fil-A or City Forum or you can put your name in for a drawing to compete in a shoot out competition. The winner of the competition will earn Chick-Fil-A for a YEAR!!!! All proceeds from this event will benefit The Well.
Winter Carnival
We had a wonderful Winter Carnival on Saturday! A huge thank you to the parents, students, teachers and volunteers who made it a success! Thank you to Kerri Mace for chairing this event for our school!
Christmas Decorations
CA is looking festive! Thank you to Anne Bertelsmann and her committee for their commitment to making our campus look amazing for this special time of year! Thank you to Mrs. Jordan Baldwin and her lower school art students for the wonderful snowman themed tree!
The Cougar Store is offering a sale on their white Cougar Paw t-shirt! This shirt is $11 with tax included. They also have lots of great items for that special someone on your Christmas list.
Lower School Literacy Day
We hope you were able to view the library Friday during our annual Lower School Literacy Day. Lisa Wilson, Dana Procter and their team of students really brought Frosty the Snowman to life! Thank you to Gina Goostree, Dana, & Lisa for planning such a special event for our students and to all the IS & US students who offered their time and talents as artists and actors. Also thank you to Mr. Alan Austin for reading our story, and to Melinda Parker, Gina Goostree, Jennifer Hinote, and a variety of students for acting the story out throughout the morning.
Our Bowling Teams are STATE BOUND! Congratulations to this wonderful group of students! Both our boys and girls teams will compete in the state tournament in January. We also have three individuals who qualified—Leah Hayes, Luke Poston and Tyler Lucas. We wish all of these athletes good luck!
Clarksville Academy’s varsity boys basketball team traveled to Columbia, Missouri to participate in the Norm Stewart Classic. The Classic was hosted by Southeastern Conference member the University of Missouri. Norm Stewart is a legendary coach at the University of Missouri, and compiled 731 career wins in nearly 40 years as a head coach. Coach Stewart is a member of the University of Missouri Hall of Fame. While in Columbia, the Cougars had the opportunity to tour the campus, the basketball and athletic facilities. Clarksville Academy was the only team in 48 straight hours of basketball, to play two games in the classic. On Friday evening, the Cougars fell to East Buchanon High School out of Kansas City, Missouri 48-35. On Saturday, Clarksville Academy rebounded with a thrilling win over Hickman High School out of Columbia, Missouri, 48-45. Daniel Loos was named the Most Valuable Player of Saturday’s game, pouring in a game high, 32 points. Both games were televised nationally on the ESPN App.
Games this week:
6th Grade Basketball kicks off their season this week! Thursday, they travel to Davidson Academy for their first game taking place at 5. On Saturday they take on Davidson at home at 1PM on Procter Court.
IS Basketball takes on Mt. Juliet Christian at HOME tonight-Girls tip at 6 and boys at 7. They travel to Harding Academy on Wednesday with JV at 5, Girls at 6 and boys at 7. Finally they return home on Friday, Dec 13 to take on Nashville Christian with the girls at 6 and boys at 7.
US Basketball will play at home on Tuesday vs. Mt. Juliet Christian with JV at 4:30, girls at 6 and boys at 7:30. Jr Cheer will be at this game! Thursday our teams play University School of Nashville at home with a time change—girls tip at 4 and boys at 5:30. Friday our teams travel to Nashville Christian with JV at 4:15, girls at 6 and boys at 7:30.
Wrestling will travel to Friendship Christian on Tuesday, Dec 10 for a meet at 4:30, and on Thursday will be at Franklin Road for a 4:30 meet.
Let’s wish all these teams good luck!!!
Media Club
CA’s media club has posted new content to their site! We invite you to browse this wonderful student run site for exciting content from upper school students.
Exam Schedule
Winter Exams will be Tuesday, December 17-Thursday, December 19. Exams take place 8-11:30 each day. This is for grades 6-12.
Exam Schedule is as follows:
- Monday, December 16— Review Day
- Tuesday, December 17— 1st and 2nd Periods
- Wednesday, December 18–3rd and 4th Periods
- Thursday, December 19— 5th and 6th Periods
The Lower School Christmas Program will be held on Wednesday, December 18 at Noon on Procter Court. Lower School students will be dismissed following the program and will not report on Thursday. We ask that lower school parents do not arrive before 11:30 for the program. We will dismiss IS & US students at 11:15 and want to have time for the traffic to clear.
If you have questions regarding any of this information, please contact your Head of School.
Annual Giving has kicked off! We hope your family will support this important campaign. Annual Giving is used to offset the overall budget for those things not covered by tuition alone and is also used for focus areas. We’ve set aside 4 areas of focus this year and hope you will consider supporting them: New Playground, Updated Security, Library Refresh, Emerging Priorities such as a new PA system. For more information on this and to donate visit:
Clarksville Academy is now part of the Amazon Smile program! Simply log on using and choose Clarksville Academy as your organization of choice! Every time you make purchase using we will receive a portion of your purchase! It’s that easy!
Box Tops
CA has always used the box tops label program to earn extra money for our school. We have been so lucky in the past for all your support for the program. Over the years we have earned thousands of dollars for our school. This year it is even easier! Simply download the Box Tops for Education app from the app store, pick Clarksville Academy as your school and start scanning your receipts! It’s as easy as that! So start scanning!
Did you know that CA is a Publix Partner? It’s easy to help us raise money for our school by logging your shopping. Visit and choose Clarksville Academy. Then enter your phone number each time you check out. It’s that easy!
Did you know you can register your Kroger Plus for CA? Every time you use your Kroger Plus card a portion of your bill will be credited to CA! It’s that easy! Go online to and register today!
If you have pictures you’d like considered for possible inclusion in the 19-20 yearbook, download the Replay It app and send photos our way. Set up is simple. You can always email your photos to any member of the yearbook staff, but the app saves quite a few steps and makes our staff more efficient.
As always, every student receives a yearbook as part of their tuition and fees. This year, students are able to get personalization on their yearbook cover for a small fee. You can order this for your student(s) at From their website, search for our school and select yearbook. You should be able to order and pay for personalization there. If you have any questions, please feel free to email
Fellowship of Christian Athletes is every Wednesday for ALL Intermediate & Upper School students. You do not have to be involved in athletics to attend. Intermediate School will be in Coach Trent’s room. Upper School in Mr. Boyd’s room 117 under the gym.
Follow us on Instagram at CACougarsTN, Facebook at Clarksville Academy, SnapChat at CACougarsTN and Twitter at CACougarsTN.
Have you seen our new video? We’d love you to share it on social media or with friends or neighbors you think would be interested in CA.
Important Dates
Dec 14—Cookies, Cocoa and Carols (PK-3rd)
Dec 16-19 IS & US Exams
Dec 18—LS Christmas Program NOON
Dec 19-Jan 6—Christmas Break
Jan 4—10th Anniversary of the State Championship Basketball Game