Intermediate and Upper School Lock-In on Friday, Jan 30 from 7pm to 7am on Saturday. Students are welcome to bring things from home like gaming systems, movies, board games, etc. (nothing on wheels please)
The cost is $10 at the door.
Ice Cream Social
The CBL Group Walkie Talkies are hosting an Ice Cream Social on Monday, February 2nd at 4:30. This will take place during our home basketball game. Tickets will go on sale Thursday, Jan. 29 – Monday, Feb 2nd. at a cost of 5 dollars. This health centered group is raising awareness for Social Health and all proceeds will benefit the ReBoot Fort Campbell program.
Spelling Bee
Good luck to the following students who will be competing in the Intermediate Spelling Bee on Tuesday, January 27, at 1:30 in the gym:
6th grade: Zach Austin, Elizabeth Ann Hammond, Julius Orr, Harrison Watts
7th grade: Lilly Butler, John Knight, Ansley Kircher, Colton Stephenson
8th grade: Cheyenne Deibert, Tyler Jones, Hunter Kueter, Tabitha Lee
The top speller will represent CA in the Regional Bee next month.
Intermediate and Upper School Lock-In on Friday, Jan 30 from 7pm to 7am on Saturday. Students are welcome to bring things from home like gaming systems, movies, board games, etc. (nothing on wheels please)
The cost is $10 at the door.
Students in 7th grade science learned all the components of DNA and used K’NEX Kits to build models of DNA.

Scholarship Information
MathMovesU Middle School
Scholarship and Grant Program
“Math is in the world all around us. Morning, noon, and night – how does math move you or the world around you?”
MathMovesU invites 6th, 7th and 8th grade students nationwide to answer, “Math is in the world all around us. Morning, noon, and night – how does math move you or the world around you?” Based on a PowerPoint submission, students will be awarded camperships of up to $1,000 or scholarships of $1,000 and their schools will receive matching grants of $1,000 to be used for math-related programs. Students must demonstrate an enthusiasm for math and the ability to illustrate how math moves you or the world around you. Note: Applications are limited to fifty (50) per school.
Applicants must:
- Be U.S. citizens or legal residents
- Be enrolled in sixth, seventh or eighth (6th, 7th, 8th) grade as of the application deadline date
- Create a PowerPoint submission illustrating the importance of math in the world around you. Specifically address
how math moves you or the world around you
- Include representations of actual math equations related to the subject
- Provide verification of the submission by a math professional who knows the applicant and can attest that the
submission is the applicant’s original work
- Complete the downloadable application form and submit the hard copy with parent or guardian signature and
- Mail a PowerPoint submission via hard copy, CD or flash drive to Scholarship Management Services. (The
submissions become property of Scholarship Management Services and will not be returned.)
Previous recipients are not eligible.
Note: Applications are limited to fifty (50) per school.
Submissions will be evaluated based on creativity, originality, time commitment, the use of math equations to demonstrate how math moves you or the world around you. Specifically, how well the student answers the question: “Math is in the world all around us. Morning, noon, and night – how does math move you or the world around you?”
Up to 150 awards of $1,000 each will be granted to student recipients.
- Student awards can be used for a “campership” applied to tuition and fees at a science, technology, engineering, or math-related (STEM) summer camp or a traditional scholarship applied to freshman year in post secondary school
- Camperships will not exceed tuition and fees of up to $1,000
- Campership checks will be made payable to the eligible summer camp or to the student upon submission of a valid
receipt of prior payment and a descriptive camp brochure
- A matching award of $1,000 each will be granted to the recipient’s school to be used for math-related programs
- Recipients awarded a traditional scholarship will be contacted by Scholarship Management Services on an annual
basis to ensure they are aware of the postsecondary funds available to them
- Awards are one-time only and not renewable. Previous recipients are ineligible, however, students may reapply
to the program each year they meet eligibility requirements
- Home-schooled students are eligible to apply however, the matching school grant will be forfeited if they become a
recipient unless they donate the matching grant to a local charitable education organization such as MathCounts
- Awards will be granted by grade level in proportion to the applications received from each grade
Interested students must complete the application and mail it along with all other required materials to Scholarship Management Services by the postmark deadline date of February 7, 2015.
Applicants are responsible for gathering and submitting all necessary information. Recipients may be asked to release their names and photos for publication. Raytheon reserves the right to use winning entries in the MathMovesU Program.
New Addition
As you have seen the new addition at the far end of campus is nearing completion. This week landscaping will go in to complete our look. Students began classes this week in their new classrooms. Intermediate School classes take place on the top floor, with our English department hosting classes on the bottom floor. The new Help Desk along with Cara Miller’s office is located downstairs as well. We look forward to our Parent Open House on February 5, 2015. More detailed information will be mailed soon.
FCA will meet each Wednesday at 7:15 in Tecia Hinson’s room. Everyone is invited.
Box Tops & Campbell’s Labels
This is a reminder that CA collects Campbell’s labels and Box Tops through our CAA. The money raised from this project funds various school improvement projects. Last year we raised over $2000 through the Box Tops program alone! Please turn yours into your child’s teacher or Ms. Turnage in the front office.
iPad/iPhone App
We encourage you to download our mobile app from the App Store. We are currently only available on Apple products. This app will provide wonderful updates about what is going on at our school.
Social Media
Please like us on Facebook—Clarksville Academy; and follow us on Twitter—CACougarsTN.
CA Sports
Our new sports site www.gocacougars.com has everything you need to make your plans to support our Cougar athletes. Check it for sports schedules, rosters, and game updates.