From Pre-Kindergarten through grade 12, Clarksville Academy offers a varied college preparatory program designed to help our students gain extensive academic, artistic, athletic, and leadership skills that will prepare them for all future endeavors.
Producing confident, independent young people with strong moral values is the goal of this institution, thus the student is the focus of everything that is done. At the heart of a Clarksville Academy education is developing a love of learning that will follow these students throughout their lives.
Located in Clarksville, TN, Clarksville Academy is a PreK-12 independent school that provides opportunities for older and younger students to work together in shared learning experiences. Students, parents, and teachers are aware of the warmth and caring that is a vital part of this campus because of the relationships that develop across age levels. Younger students are encouraged to interact with exemplary role models, while older students realize the responsibility that comes with admiration from younger children.
In order to foster a family-like atmosphere, Clarksville Academy created a commitment to partnership agreement for our parents. You can find our CA Commitment to Partnership by following the link.
Clarksville Academy’s Mission
Promote academic excellence, moral integrity, physical growth, and civic responsibility.
Our Campus
Explore the halls of Clarksville Academy by viewing our virtual tour.
Our Faculty

All of Clarksville Academy’s teachers have completed the requirements for a Master’s Degree in Education, have been awarded certification, or have completed the requirements for a Bachelor’s Degree in their content areas.
Out of 60 full-time teachers, approximately 55% hold a Master’s degree or are in the process of earning one and over 87% of CA teachers have been teaching for five years or longer. Holding true to our belief that small student-teacher ratio benefits learning, classes exceeding 18 have an Educational Assistant join the classroom teacher. This enables us to maintain our stated 12:1 student-to-faculty school-wide ratio. Our campus is filled with instructors who devote themselves to the needs of the students. It is not unusual for a student to have a teacher who is also his or her coach. Our faculty has the ability to influence and assist our students daily. This unique and valuable interaction between students and teachers not only makes students feel more comfortable in the academic setting, but it leads to a deeper level of engagement and learning.
Our highly trained educators bolster student participation and confidence by communicating openly and regularly with parents often on a daily or weekly basis. The teachers keep parents informed by utilizing PowerSchool—a website on which parents may log in at any time to review their child’s current grades.
Board of Trustees

Guidelines for communications with the board: The Board of Trustees has the general authority to manage the affairs and business of the corporation. The board as a whole can receive or purchase properties for Clarksville Academy, sell mortgage or lease property, and approve all annual budgets. The Board of Trustees charges the day-to-day operations of Clarksville Academy to the Head of School. The Board of Trustees offers support to the school through property and business affairs, committee studies and reviews, budget approvals and trustee nominations.

Situated near the Cumberland River in downtown Clarksville, 45 minutes northwest of Nashville, Clarksville Academy boasts the most comprehensive college-preparatory program in the Clarksville-Montgomery County area.
You’ll find that Clarksville Academy is not a common single-building school. More of a mini-university, the campus is a distinctive mix of nine free-standing structures. Students travel from building to building throughout the day to attend their various classes. Enrollment of almost 600 allows CA to offer a variety of coursework and activities while still maintaining our family atmosphere.
The oldest and largest private school in the Clarksville area to encompass Pre-K through 12th grade, CA is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. In addition, CA holds membership in the Tennessee Association of Independent Schools. Our membership in the TSSAA athletic association means that our student athletes compete in sports programs governed by TSSAA rules, guidelines, and regulations.
In 2007 Clarksville Academy opened the CA Sports Complex, a multi-field facility for student athletics, outdoor events, and recreation. Settled on 31 acres overlooking the Cumberland River, the ongoing project currently boasts five fields—the Wes Smith Baseball Field, the Simpson Football Field. the Winn Soccer Field, the Burchett Softball Field, and the Marisa Maples Hood Memorial Practice Field. A 2400 square foot indoor pitching and hitting facility, named in memory of Angela Jameson Mace was added in 2011 next to Wes Smith Field. In the summer of 2015 a multi-purpose Pavilion was added to offer a place for families, teams, spectators to gather while attending games at the complex. In 2023 the Mace Family Softball Facility was constructed.
Our History

Since it was founded in 1970, Clarksville Academy has upheld its role as an independent, college preparatory, co-educational school.
On November 23, 1969, a group of parents met at the Farm Bureau Building in Clarksville, Tennessee, to discuss forming an independent school in the Clarksville area.
The discussion produced three guiding principles for the creation of this new school.
- Low teacher-student ratio
- Well-qualified teachers
- A Headmaster dedicated to the education and training of children.
A second meeting was held on December 2, 1969. Floyd L. Brown was elected chairman of the steering committee and later as the first Chairman of the Board of Trustees. The third meeting was held on May 19, 1970 at which time Mr. K. L. Barton was introduced as the Academy’s first Headmaster. Clarksville Academy opened its doors on August 31, 1970 for classes in grades one through nine.