Veterans Day

DUTY, Honor, Country on Veterans Day
By: Retired Col Sal Herrera

It is great to be part of a Clarksville community that is so supportive of our Military and Veterans.  After my 25-year Army career (now retired for 3 years), it is humbling to reflect on not only the continued courageous service of our Active Duty Military but also on all Veterans, as well as my career.  Long story short: I spent approximately 18 years of my service here at Fort Campbell, KY as part of the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment. I sure did learn A LOT along the way…but looking back it was my beginnings that really shaped my life and my military career. In 1987 I entered the United States Military Academy (USMA) at West Point.  USMA has a structure of three words that embraces their ideals…Duty, Honor, Country.  These ideals create the foundation for all future Army Officers to lean on.  I wanted to spend a little time elaborating on DUTY.  What is it?
When I was a Plebe (Freshman Cadet) we had menial tasks which included delivering the NY Times to every upper classman’s door in the barracks …every single day. When it was your turn you had to “ping” against the walls and march briskly like a robot to each door with your pile of newspapers.  As you can imagine on Sunday mornings the newspapers were thick and heavy, and most upperclassmen slept in!  So while delivering early morning newspapers, it was sooooo tempting to just stroll in the middle of the hallway at my leisure to deliver those newspapers and forgo the craziness of marching against the walls. But as one Firstie (Senior Cadet) described, “Duty is doing the right thing even when no one is looking…like delivering Sunday newspapers!”  Those wise words continue to resonate with me today as I work and live my life.

Another way I look at DUTY is as an acrostic:

Do!  – Do the right thing!  Take action and do…but just do right!!
Unite! – Be one with your team by uniting!  Your team could be your school, your family, your job or all of the above, but work to unite (not divide)!
Trust! – Be trustworthy and dependable, but more importantly trust others!  Start by giving people the benefit of the doubt!
You! – Be yourself!  Don’t be afraid to be you! Each of us bring so many different perspectives and these disparate viewpoints can be powerful….even invincible!
Duty is definitely delivering the newspapers correctly, but it also can be life changing…it was for me!
Lastly, I want to thank all our Veterans for their service; and I want to give a special thanks to our military supportive community of Clarksville and specifically Clarksville Academy.
I encourage you to view the inspirational address General Douglas MacArthur presented to the cadets of the USMA on 12 May 1962 – Titled “Duty Honor Country” click here:

Do Honor Codes Really Work?

by Dr. Rebecca Beach ’97, Upper School English Teacher

Do Honor Codes Really Work? Yes, they do.  They help schools to instill academic integrity and they work to create an atmosphere of trust.  

Research has shown that honor codes have significantly cut down instances of cheating, plagiarism, and stealing in schools. For example, The Center for Academic Integrity found that only 23% of students at colleges with honor codes reported one or more incidents of serious cheating on an exam, while the number increased to 45% at colleges without an honor code(1  This significant jump in numbers reflects the fact that campuses with honor codes successfully teach students to value their own work and respect the work of others.

I’ve seen this same positive shift first-hand at our school since we adopted an honor code in the fall of 2017.  The Honor Code, in its most basic form, says: “On my honor, I have neither given nor received aid on this work.”

The importance of an honor code can be reiterated through the following:

1) visual signs of it in on plaques in all Intermediate and Upper School classrooms,

2) weekly assessments that ask students to sign their name beside the code

3) an annual ceremony that asks each incoming student in Upper School to sign their name to the honor pledge book

4) honor council hearings for those students who may have violated the code 

These are tangible reminders of our school’s honor code that help to guide students as they complete coursework and interact with others. 

But the real evidence of honor among students, I believe, occurs in more inconspicuous moments.  When a student asks a classmate to copy her homework assignment and she refuses: that’s honor.  When a student deliberately puts away a cell phone and an Apple watch before a major test: that’s honor.  When a student seeks out help to make sure he is correctly citing an outside source in his essay: that’s honor. When a teacher talks to his students about the value of not cheating: that’s honor.  When students help each other to study for an assessment without giving away answers: that’s honor.  When students working in a group give a detailed account of who participated and contributed to their project: that’s honor.  

I see honor among my students every day.  It’s a powerful practice that demonstrates the importance of self-respect and respect to others.  Without respect and honor, knowledge loses its vital force. For no vast quantity of knowledge can be worth much of anything if it is acquired, used, communicated, or disseminated without honor and integrity.   These are lessons in character for students to learn early in their academic careers and to hold to tightly, far beyond graduation.  

Begin Your Journey.