Honors Biology
Students in honors anatomy wrapped up the integumentary system by testing the SPF of different products using UV lights. Students drew a line with yellow highlighter on black paper. Using blank microscope slides to represent skin, students put a coat of sunscreens of different SPF values on each slide, in addition to plain hand lotion and shampoo. The brightness of the yellow line as seen through the slide when the UV light is on corresponds to the SPF value. Honors biology students are working on taxonomy. Small groups of students were assigned taxa to research. Students then compiled the data on 22 total groups and are applying this information in a cumulative project. Given a list of scientific names, students are discovering the common name and matching the organism to one of the researched taxa. Students will then create a dichotomous key for all 22 groups.
Dual Anatomy
Dual enrollment anatomy and physiology assembled a disarticulated skeleton and examined real human bones in lab at APSU this week.
Good morning! Wednesday is See You At The Pole. This event is open to all students, faculty, and parents. We will meet at the Flag Pole in the front of the school starting at 7:15 a.m., for a time of fellowship and prayer. An alternate site will be available if weather becomes a factor.
Retake Day
Photo retakes will be held on November 6.
Golly G’s
Golly Gs is offering a 10% discount to students who come after Friday night football games. If you tell them “Go Cougars!,” you will get 10% off. After each Friday night, the school with the most tallies will receive 10% off the next Tuesday. At the end of the season, the school with the most participation will have a limited edition ice cream named after their mascot.
Box Top Contest
The CAA invites everyone to participate in our Box Tops Contest this year! When you turn in your Box Tops please label the baggie with your student’s name, grade and teacher (Lower School). A tally will be kept of all box top returns and a Pizza party will be awarded to the class with the most labels returned!
The Fellowship of Christian Athletes would like to invite everyone to be a part of FCA this year! High School will meet in room #118 Coach Trent’s Room, Intermediate School will meet in Mrs. Drake’s room. Please make plans to attend Wednesdays at 7:15am, everyone is welcome!