Objectives and Philosophy
Consistent with our philosophy of education, we are concerned with meeting the needs of students enrolled in Clarksville Academy and are committed to the following objectives:
- To develop a fundamental command of the basic skills of reading, language arts, and mathematics, while including in our requirements science, social studies, foreign language, fine arts, health, and physical education.
- To provide a learning environment encouraging the development of a positive self-concept through individual achievement.
- To create opportunities for the growth of all students in the areas of leadership, creativity, initiative, and responsibility.
- To place emphasis on student participation in problem-solving, inquiring, critical thinking, research procedures, exchange of ideas, and self-evaluation.
- To build a curriculum providing significant learning experiences.
- To provide maximum communication among students, parents, teachers, and staff as students’ educational activities are structures and evaluated.
- To provide for all students adequate guidance counseling based on the combined efforts of guidance counselors, teachers, and administrators.
- To provide learning experiences which aid students in the utilization of computer technology as they meet it now as well as in the future.
Our Philosophy
Our vision is to assist students in achieving their potential, identifying student strengths and interests, and ensuring student success in college and beyond.
The philosophy of Clarksville Academy is that of a non-discriminatory school that stresses academic excellence, appropriate discipline, ethical standards, continuous learning, and respect for others and their property.
This philosophy encompasses the intellectual, social, emotional, character, and physical development of students.
The philosophy of Clarksville Academy has remained consistent since its inception and can be summarized by the following statements of belief:
Since education in a democracy should be primarily an individual instead of a mass process, basic understandings, knowledge, skills, and appreciations should be attained by each person to the highest level of his/her potential.
The school should familiarize students with their American heritage in order that they may become more aware of their rights and responsibilities as citizens in a democratic society.
Since every area of human knowledge has significant contributions to make toward each student’s intellectual growth, students should participate in learning activities in areas of the humanities, mathematics, science, the practical and creative arts, health, and physical education.
Individual differences are recognized; each student’s level of achievement is determined and his/her optimum potential dictates his academic program in so far as Clarksville Academy’s college preparatory curriculum allows.
Enrollment is open to any student, regardless of race, color, creed, or national origin, provided that such student meets the academic, financial, and behavioral requirements of the school.
Students should be encouraged and given the opportunity to participate in school-related, non-academic learning activities in order to prepare them to be productive citizens.
An important aim of the school is to develop in each student a respect for the opinions of others, respect for public and private property, and recognition that all individuals must accept the results of their own decisions and actions if they are to deal effectively with the complexities of human relationships in the rapid-changing world of today.
The staff of Clarksville Academy should utilize community, area, and state resources, educational services, and technology that allow each student and staff member to function to his fullest potential.
Parental involvement in all aspects of school life is considered an asset to the student as well as to the community.