Upper School News: September 21 – September 27, 2015

Mrs. Stonesifer’s Latin II

Latin II students are making volcanoes as part of their resent study of the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius and the destruction of Pompeii. Stay tune for updates as our projects come together!




Mrs. Moore’s Atom Game

In this game, small groups used colored poker chips to represent electrons, protons, and neutrons. They roll the dice to find the element they will work with and then take a card to find how they need to modify the element. The team to correctly create the most isotopes, ions and neutral atoms by the end of class wins the game. Honors Chemistry used this game to review for an upcoming test.





And hands on Ions

Hands on activity in chemistry this week: Building models of Isotopes and Ions with poker chips




Fine Arts Blog

The Fine Arts department has started a weekly blog of their activities! We hope you will check back often to see what your student may be doing in art, music, and drama. Important dates and performance information will also be posted. Bookmark this site for exciting information!



Homecoming Court

Congratulations to our Homecoming Court and our new Homecoming Queen, Senior Evelyn Turner.






Many of you take photos at various events and activities around school. We encourage you to share these with our Marketing/PR office as well as our yearbook staff by using the email photos@clarksvilleacademy.com. This email is designated for students and parents to send pictures taken throughout the school year. We encourage you to caption your photo or to write a sentence or two with the event name, students pictured in the photo and the date it was taken. We do not guarantee that every photo will be used, but we look forward to seeing your pictures.


Box Tops & Campbell’s Labels

This is a reminder that CA collects Campbell’s labels and Box Tops through our CAA. The money raised from this project funds various school improvement projects. Last year we raised over $2000 through the Box Tops program alone! Please turn yours into your child’s teacher or Ms. Turnage in the front office.


iPad/iPhone App

We encourage you to download our mobile app from the App Store. We are currently only available on Apple products. This app will provide wonderful updates about what is going on at our school.


Social Media

Please like us on Facebook—Clarksville Academy; and follow us on Twitter—CACougarsTN.

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