Ashley Roberts selected for Tennessee Freshman Honor Choir
On Saturday, Ashley Roberts traveled to Murfreesboro to audition for the 2016 Middle Tennessee Freshman Honor Choir. Her score of 376.72 was among the top scores and she was selected to represent Clarksville Academy at the Middle Tennessee Freshman Honor Choir event in February 2016. She will join other top students from across the midstate to work for a day with a college level clinician and present a concert that evening. Congratulations, Ashley!!!

Spooky Bus
Upper School Art students under the direction of Robert Neizke decorated the annual Spooky Bus for Clarksville Transit System. This annual tradition is something both CTS and CA look forward to.
High School Heisman
The Wendy’s High School Heisman Program chooses students who excel academically, athletically, and within their community. The leadership award-honorees are well-rounded young men and woman who excel in learning, performing, and leading in the classroom, on the field and in the community. The Clarksville Academy Wendy’s High School Heisman school winners are Shelby Pendergrast and Brayden Batson!
Veteran’s Essay Winners
Congratulations to the Veteran Essay Contest Winners – These students will move on to compete at the county level:
Upper School Winners
- Parker Rice
- Wes Rugen
- Jayson McClendon
Intermediate School Winners
- Nikki Harnage
- Silas Elder
Honors English III
Using a wonderful website called, junior English students have created visual storyboards to depict the plot development of Edgar Allan Poe’s spooky short story, “The Tell-Tale Heart.”
The Upper School Speech and Debate Team competed at Brentwood Academy’s tournament at Belmont University on Saturday. Freshman Tyler Jones continues to impress with his poetry program featuring poems by Shel Silverstein. He continues to improve upon his performances from previous weeks and got great feedback from judges. Freshman Cheyenne Diebert competed in Original Oratory. She wrote an original persuasive speech about our need to move beyond settling for mediocrity. In her first-ever tournament, Cheyenne advanced to the final round and placed fourth out of thirty-five speakers in her category. Mrs. Baron is so proud of the progress her students continue to make and is excited about future competitions for the Cougar Speech and Debate Team at Henry County, Brentwood High School, and Dickson County in the month of November!
Drama Classes
CA Drama students attended the Roxy’s “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” on Oct 30. Also in attendance was the entire 7th and 8th grades. It was an awesome show and the students and teachers enjoyed it. It was a great way to start the Halloween weekend!
Fine Arts Blog
The Fine Arts department has started a weekly blog of their activities! We hope you will check back often to see what your student may be doing in art, music, and drama. Important dates and performance information will also be posted. Bookmark this site for exciting information!
Many of you take photos at various events and activities around school. We encourage you to share these with our Marketing/PR office as well as our yearbook staff by using the email This email is designed for students and parents to send pictures taken throughout the school year. W encourage you to caption your photo or to write a sentence or two with the event name, students pictured in the photo and the date it was taken. We do not guarantee that every photo will be used, but we look forward to seeing your pictures.
Box Tops & Campbell’s Labels
This is a reminder that CA collects Campbell’s labels and Box Tops through our CAA. The money raised from this project funds various school improvement projects. Last year we raised over $2000 through the Box Tops program alone! Please turn yours into your child’s teacher or Ms. Turnage in the front office.
iPad/iPhone App
We encourage you to download our mobile app from the App Store. We are currently only available on Apple products. This app will provide wonderful updates about what is going on at our school.
Social Media
Please like us on Facebook—Clarksville Academy; and follow us on Twitter—CACougarsTN.