1st Grade
First graders had a great time applying their knowledge of common vowel spelling patterns using CVCe with their QR code scavenger hunt. Students wrote the name of each picture, then they scanned the QR code to check their spelling. We have been working on the long i, long a, long e, long u, and long o sounds.
2nd grade
The students used their five senses to describe the hot chocolate they were drinking. The class collaborated together to compose a list of adjectives to describe the yummy drink. The students will use the adjectives to write a descriptive paragraph about hot chocolate.
3rd Grade
Third grade students have been studying the Associative Property of Multiplication using a variety of activities to include dry erase desk problems/drawings, board problems, individual and partner work, and the sharing of their strategies with the class.
The FUSE program had several students participate at the County level of 4-H Competition last week.
4th grader Hadley Hagewood won 1st Place in the County for her poster. It is now being sent on to the State competition for judging! Way to go Hadley!
Hadley also won 1st Place in the Montgomery County 4-H speech contest.
5th graders Zoe Brooks and Carmelita Roper participated in the 4H Speech Contest. Zoe placed 2nd and Carmelita placed 3rd! Great job ladies!
Fourth and Fifth grade FUSE students participated in Metric Measurement Labs each day last week. They learned about the importance of the metric system for scientific measurement and practiced using a triple beam balance and measuring volume in graduated cylinders using water displacement.
Kindergarten took advantage of the beautiful weather and enjoyed snack out since before some play time last week. They are looking forward to reaching their 100th day of school soon. Kindergarten students re really writing well. They are learning sentence structure and are writing to describe their mittens they colored. These mittens are displayed in our hallway.
Clarksville Academy Night
Every Wednesday night at Firehouse Subs. Please go by either the Madison Street store or the Wilma Rudolph store and let them know you are with Clarksville Academy. Clarksville Academy will receive 15% of the sale. Every Wednesday night is Clarksville Academy Night at Firehouse Subs.
Clarksville Academy Association (CAA) is the parent volunteer association of Clarksville Academy. There are many opportunities throughout the school year for parents, guardians, and grandparents to get involved by volunteering your time and/or contributions. We certainly hope you will join us in making CA an even greater place for our children, faculty and staff! Please contact Beth Mabry on how to get involved. bethfmabry@gmail.com.
Teacher Treats
Each grade level will have the opportunity one time during the school year to provide Teacher Treats. You may contribute snacks, treats, drinks or a monetary donation to help purchase treats. Please watch for your grade’s week and contact your representative.
Box Top Contest
The CAA invites everyone to participate in our Box Tops Contest this year! When you turn in your Box Tops please label the baggie with your student’s name, grade and teacher (Lower School). A tally will be kept of all box top returns and a Pizza party will be awarded to the class with the most labels returned!
Social Media
Please like us on Facebook—Clarksville Academy, follow us on Twitter—CACougarsTN, and on our new Sports Information Twitter—CACougarsSports.
Throughout the year if you take photos at various school events and would like to submit them for possible use in the yearbook or for marketing purposes, please send them to photos@clarksvilleacademy.com.