We are proud to announce Carrie Daniels as the new Head Girls Basketball Coach. Jerri Bragg will continue to be a part of the girls basketball program and team serving in the capacity of Assistant Coach. Bragg will also continue to be the Head Cross Country Coach.
Head of School Kay Drew said, “Coach Bragg, Coach Peterson, and myself have had many discussions regarding the advancement of our girls athletic program. Both Peterson and Bragg fully support Coach Daniels joining CA to strengthen our school’s fitness and athletic programs.”

“Coach Daniels’ experience with collegiate athletics will only benefit our girls. Our goal at CA is to encourage our students to grow both on and off the court, and Coach Daniels’ prior actions demonstrate she will do just that,” said Coach Jerri Bragg.
Daniels does not gauge performance success in working with student athletes only in statistics of wins, losses, and points gained. For her, the focus has always been about the students. Her record on student achievement both on and off the court is a legacy that she is proud of. Daniels remarked, “My students are more than just players to me, they are family. I want them to achieve success both on the court and off so that they can go on to have fulfilling, enriched lives. Academics, school involvement, and athletics all go hand in hand to prepare these girls for college and life.”
Upon graduating from APSU, Carrie Daniels’ coaching career began at the University of Nevada-Las Vegas in 1996. She served as Assistant Coach & Director of Basketball Operations at UNLV for three years. In 1999, she took the position of Assistant Coach at Western Kentucky University in Bowling Green, KY. She served the WKU community for seven years, and in 2006, began as the Head Women’s Basketball Coach at Austin Peay State University. She was at APSU for nine years.
Her nineteen years of coaching have only strengthened her desire to lead her players toward their future, “Basketball is more than about a round ball and a hardwood floor. It’s about teamwork, drive, determination and goal setting to be a part of something greater than yourself,“ said Daniels.
Athletic Director Jake Peterson knows the addition of Daniels brings our athletic program to a whole new level: “Coach Daniels has proven herself both on and off the court. Her students’ academic careers are just as important their athletic ones. Daniels work ethic and drive will take our girls athletic program to new heights.”
Daniels will officially begin work at Clarksville Academy in August with the start of school. She will not only fill the position of Head Girls Basketball Coach, but also teach daily fitness classes. She will begin spring workouts and meetings with her players in the coming days. Daniels will also offer community wide multi-age and skill level summer camps at Clarksville Academy during the months of June and July. Information regarding summer camps will be available on the Clarksville Academy website, Friday March 27.
Head of School Kay Drew declared, “The addition of Coach Daniels puts us one step closer to achieving our goal of strengthening our girls fitness and athletic programs. Our Upper School students will not only be given the benefit of an excellent coach, but our Upper, Intermediate, and Lower School students will also receive a solid skills and technique foundation though our fitness programs. Carrie Daniels and Jerri Bragg are a power duo that will take our fitness and athletic programs to whole new level.”