CBL: FEB 2018

February CBL Summary

Our February CBL day finds many of our groups implementing their Solutions. We have established group Challenges, asked Guiding Questions, utilized Guiding Resources, conducted Guiding Activities, and formulated Solutions for our Community.

Health and Fitness –
February found our Health and Fitness group meeting with contractors and collecting bids as they continue to investigate new locations for outdoor exercise equipment. Working with representatives from Montgomery County Parks and Recreation director Jerry Albert, they visited 2 potential locations.

Mentoring –
Our Mentoring group, investigating the establishment of a CA Ambassador program, visited Goodpasture Christian School. They met with representatives for a workshop with their Student Ambassadors as they gain information about implementing a similar program for mentoring students who are new to our Clarksville Academy family.

Literacy –
Our Literacy group met with Amanda Cherry, YMCA representative, as they investigate host sites for their Little Free Libraries. They have been approved for the Charter Number, and will now be listed on the National Registry of Free Little Libraries. Students completed a presentation/slide show for the YMCA and are looking forward to the completion of the Library.

Clarksville Culture and Heritage and Performing Arts groups –

Our Clarksville Culture and Heritage group, along with our Performing Arts group, found students practicing parts, selecting set images as backdrops, and selecting period songs from each era in the Montgomery County Chronicles. They had well-defined plans for each subgroup for the day. Each component functioning to advance the 2 groups as they collaborate. Subgroups include: archive/images/keynote, music, poster, playbill/advertising, and period costumes.

Food Production –
Our Food Production group continues to work on their micro- gardens and DYI garden kits. They utilized purchased supplies including: seeds, index cards, spray paint, and baggies. The supplies were all paid for from funds generated from their community garden produced Salsa sales.

Food Security –
On our February CBL day, our Food Security group volunteered at Manna Cafe food distribution center. Several students from the group also attended the 10th Empty Bowls Luncheon Fundraiser assisting those who lack food security. The event sold out (1500 tickets at multiple locations, raising over $22,000 in Clarksville). Our students participated in painting/donating bowls for the 5th consecutive year.

Beautification –
Our Beautification group is nearing the completion of their Challenge. This is a resilient group of students committed to creating their public work of art. They spent the morning dodging showers and painting surrounded by puddles. In addition to this project, they have received approval for another public work of art from the Clarksville Design Review Board.

Construction 101 –
The members of the Construction 101 group are focused on the building of the Little Free Library as they collaborate with the Literacy group. They consulted images of other Little Free libraries, created their design, and created a supply list on our last CBL day. They began construction and will be completing 2 Little Free Libraries that will be located in our Clarksville Community.


Begin Your Journey.