Clarksville Academy is Blogging

By Jennifer Hinote

Are you busier today than you were a year or two ago?

We have found that as life has gotten even more hectic; it is increasingly more difficult to juggle all that is expected of us. Isn’t it an interesting phenomenon that even though we have greater access to information, we have seemingly less time to access and absorb it?

As parents, family, and friends of Clarksville Academy, we understand this dilemma and want to help you. We also know that research indicates that family involvement in schooling is a key predictor in student success, so we want to make it easier to introduce topics that we hope will interest and support you in your journey of raising children and in our journey of educating them. We value this partnership.

Today we invite you to visit to our twice-weekly CA Blog. The blog articles will be concise, so those valuable moments of your day will be spent wisely. They will feature a variety of authors, utilizing the expertise of our own teachers, administrators; we also plan to solicit articles from experts outside our immediate community during the course of this school year.

We hope that our blog will spark thoughts and conversations. If you have any requests for article topics, please let us know, but for right now, please enjoy our exploration into the blogging world!

Begin Your Journey.