CBL Feb 24, 2017
Our February Challenge Based Learning day found most groups implementing their INNOVATIVE Solutions.
Our morning Assembly began with Coach Bauer’s Youth Matters group, implementing their INNOVATIVE Solution called “Brown Bag Snack Challenge”. They distributed brown lunch bags, and CHALLENGED students to “match” what they would spend on a snack during the day. They filmed this process of distributing and collecting, and have completed a video to be sent to other schools to CHALLENGE them to repeat the ‘Brown Bag Snack Challenge’ as a way to raise money for other communities.
Our Health Group, facilitated by Mrs. Hardison, is starring in a commercial filmed by Clarksville Parks and Recreation. They will complete the commercial soon, filming more scenes in the coming days.
Coach Watson’s Fitness group continues to investigate a partnership with Clarksville Aquatic Center, and Kleeman Recreation Center as they continue their challenge: How can we offer assistance to facilities that promote fitness in Clarksville Montgomery County.
Our Mentoring group, facilitated by Dr. Beach and Mr. Christmas, continue their progress making tutoring more accessible to those who are looking to improve in a specific area. They are also implementing plans to create a series of videos to offer a better understanding of each club or extracurricular activity offered at CA.
Our Food Security Group is creating some publicity material for Loaves and Fishes, as part of a sustainable Solution. The film, requested by the L/F coordinator, will be used by them as they present information to our community. Our students have volunteered numerous times, donated items as part of a partnership with another organization, and assisted with lunches.
Mr. Neizke and Mrs. Drake’s Beautification Group continue painting on their mural project. They have completed 2/3 of the mural and have received compliments from community members, staff at Animal Control and Adoption, and the Montgomery County Mayor’s Office.
Our Food Production Group, facilitated by Mr. Boyd and Mr. Walker, had a guest Karla Kean (Montgomery County Horticulturalist) visit CA. She assisted them with planting seeds for our community garden. The group received a donation of a Grow Lab which provides them with the opportunity to start sprouts and seedlings before the actual garden can be planted.
Coach Magrans’ Recreation group: Team Pura Vida submitted a followup report on their Disc Golf course. They have created an INNOVATIVE survey utilizing a QR code, so course users can submit responses evaluating the effectiveness of this group’s community project at Rotary Park.
Ms. Stonesifer’s First Responders group continues to explore options in assisting our First Responders. They are concentrating on assisting all first responders by suppling items that will be used when responding to emergency calls.
Coach Bragg’s Military Support group assisted with a Battalion that was returning to Fort Campbell from deployment. They created Welcome Home posters and delivered Care Packages in appreciation of our Military Servicemen and women.
Mrs. Little and Mrs. Lindsey’s Environment group continues working in cooperation with Dunbar Cave State Park and its staff. They are creating displays for the center. Students researched and created display boards of regional animals, regional plants, water cycle, and the history of Dunbar Cave State Park. These display boards will be used at the interactive stations to teach 3rd – 5th grade students. These learning stations will contain information about various aspects of the park and will be utilized by our community, especially elementary school age students who visit Dunbar Cave. Michelle Rogers, State Coordinator of Project WET, APSU Center of Excellence for Field Biology, worked with the students on interactive activities that they could use at their stations.
Transportation, facilitated by Mrs. Moore and Coach Hood, have created a public service announcement centered on Distracted Driving. This follows, from last month, a presentation on the tragedies that can result from distracted driving.
Mrs. Hollis and Mrs. Pitt’s Performing Arts group hosted a concert at Uffelman’s Assisted Living Residence, and Downtown on Franklin Street. They continue to use their talents to reinforce the importance of Performing Arts in our community.