Collegiate Signing
Congratulations to Connor Thomas for joining the Indiana University football team! Connor will head to Indiana next fall.
200th Win
Coach Wade Smith has been with CA as the Head Varsity Baseball Coach since 2005. Last Monday he reached his 200th win as coach. Congratulations to Wade and the rest of the team!
9th Grade PE students learned CPR during class last week.
Talent Show
The Intermediate and Upper School Talent Show will be during 7th period on April 20th. Student admission is $5.00 at the door. Congrats to the following students who will be competing- Ashley Roberts (10), Alesa Griffy (12), Ben Truex (8), Cassidy Stephenson (11), Chloe Smith (6), Elizabeth Hammond (7), Elizabeth Mabry (11), Hailey Ray (6), Jaelen Washington (9), Parker Rice (11), Rebecca Sheets (7), and Riley Jenkins (8).
Prom Tickets
Prom & After- Prom tickets are on sale with Mrs. Pitt through April 29. Tickets are $10 for Prom and $10 for After-Prom. CA’s Annual Prom will take place on Saturday, April 30.
Prom T-shirt orders are due by Wednesday, April13th to Mrs. Pitt. Mrs. Turnage has forms at her desk, or you can email Mrs. Amanda Pitt at for a pdf of the form. Proceeds will benefit the AfterProm, a fun event for the students who attend Prom, that will be held in the CA Gym. This year, the AfterProm is being planned by an enthusiastic group of Junior Moms. If you or your business would like to make a donation to this year’s AfterProm, please contact Katherine Cherry or Beth Mabry.
Many of you take photos at various events and activities around school. We encourage you to share these with our Marketing/PR office as well as our yearbook staff by using the email This email is design for students and parents to send pictures taken throughout the school year. We encourage you to caption your photo or to write a sentence or two with the event name, students pictured in the photo and the date it was taken. We do not guarantee that every photo will be used, but we look forward to seeing your pictures.
Box Tops & Campbell’s Labels
This is a reminder that CA collects Campbell’s labels and Box Tops through our CAA. The money raised from this project funds various school improvement projects. Last year we raised over $2000 through the Box Tops program alone! Please turn yours into your child’s teacher or Ms. Turnage in the front office.
Social Media
Please like us on Facebook—Clarksville Academy; and follow us on Twitter—CACougarsTN.